PMT Celebrates
the Navy’s Birthday
Article by Communications Staff

Photo Credit: Gray Gibson/U.S. Navy via AP
This month PMT celebrates the U.S Navy’s 246th birthday. As a proud supporter of the Office of Naval Research (ONR), PMT has been working with ONR on projects for over 40 years in areas like small/large boats/ships design, science, technology and research – contributing to the ever-evolving capabilities of today’s Fleet.
This year, the theme of the Navy’s birthday celebration is “Resilient and Ready”. The Navy has a history of overcoming any challenge, including the ongoing global pandemic. Here at PMT we face challenges everyday but live by this same motto as we strive to do our best work and are excited to continue to support Navy programs now and into the future.
PMT wanted to reflect on a few of our notable past and present ONR projects.

Pictured: Seaflyer, Lifting-Body Technology Demonstrator.

Pictured: Ultra Heavy-Lift Amphibious Connector (UHAC), MDG built a half-scale prototype of a ship-to-shore connector.

Pictured: BLB-65. This boat has a dihedral bow lifting body (BLB) with trailing edge flaps, active control system, and designed for efficiency and seakeeping.

Pictured: ORADTS program. This project combined all of PMT’s capabilities to create an at-sea automated refueling and data transfer system for unmanned surface vehicles. The resulting system, which was generated using in-house CFD and physics-based motion simulation and optimization, decoupled the motions of the capture mechanism from the host platform enabling more reliable transfer of fuel and data regardless of sea-state

Pictured: DARPA Manta Ray program. This program seeks to develop a new class of long-duration, long-range, payload-capable UUVs at an acquisition and lifecycle cost significantly less than current payload-capable UUVs.

Pictured: Under the IMS program, PMT built a 36 ft medium-scale vessel in support of towing drop stitch inflatable structures as well as advancing automation, controls, and autonomous capability across a range of sub-systems in support of that program.